Employment is not unlike fitness. Getting a job is hard; losing a job is hard; staying at a job might just be the hardest of all. It takes commitment. It takes reliability. It takes a hell of a lot of doing what you some days have no interest whatsoever in doing. It is full of […]
Dolphins and Volcanoes
Last night I dreamt I took a trip with Oprah. Yep, Lady O herself. I have been waiting for this dream for years. YEARS! Across several dream days, O and I laughed, drank tea, talked books and swapped stories. It was heaven. For those of you wondering, she mostly wears monochromatic v-neck sweater-and-slack combos; she […]
Sempre a casa va a finire
Confession: I’ve spent years — decades, actually — trying to change myself. Seriously. I have done it all, and I always go all in. First example, I bought the whole J Crew line over Christmas break sophomore year at boarding school — even the lilac twinset and the navy shift. Anyone who really knows me […]
One Holy Force of Greatness
The last month has been a time of reckoning. Reckoning with bad actions, reckoning with failures, and reckoning with a year of ignoring the lessons I was supposed to learn. I have the uncanny habit — both nature and nurture — of turning up the music so I can’t hear when my life is talking […]
The Polar Express to Crazytown
The whiteboard calendar in my mudroom meant to organize us says October, and it’s blank. There aren’t even numbers for the days—just the month “October” in black Sharpie at the top. No joke. This weekend, post-Thanksgiving, I ate dessert for breakfast, dessert for snack, post-lunch dessert, and then pie. A brick of Gouda mashed potatoes […]
The Latest and Greatest
Buckle up: this is a true story. Last week some time—or, because I have no good sense of time, or linear progression, or anything involving numbers or remotely close to math, it may have been the week before—I was speeding in the toll lane on I-15 from work back downtown. I was drinking a cold […]